How to Become Findable Online

July 24, 2023

by: Apollo Paul Jnr

Having discovered your ideal customers or buyers, it is now time to become findable online. Being findable online is important for every business owner, it’s a way to attract new customers, reach existing customers, and scale business faster.

A Lot of businesses get lost in the shadows of algorithms, they are online, but nowhere to be found. To find them you’ll have to use their exact business names spelt accurately without omitting a single character. That’s pathetic!

A look back at the pandemic aftermath on E-commerce, you would agree that people now prefer to shop or make inquiries about a product or service by simply searching for it online and reaching out to businesses that show up in their search query. This is why as a business owner, you’ll want to gain a competitive edge by ensuring that your potential customers can easily find and connect with your brand online.

When it comes to being findable online, I think it’s wise to understand the categories of digital media.

The Categories of Digital Media

Digital media encompasses various online channels and platforms that enable the distribution and consumption of content and information. Embracing digital media is essential for any business hoping to not only be findable but to succeed in the digital age. 

Digital media are categorized into three (3); Paid, owned, and earned.

Paid media

Paid media is the content you sponsor to promote your brand and drive exposure. Paid media can be an effective opportunity to expand your brand’s reach, get more clicks, and generate more traffic. Examples of paid media are paid social, paid search, and influencer marketing.

Owned Media

Owned media is content you’re fully in control of, like your website, blog, and social media accounts. It provides value by giving customers what they need in order to make informed decisions. If paid ads bring people to your site, owned media convince them to stay.

Earned Media

Earned media is the media exposure your company gains through word-of-mouth. Think of this as free publicity generated through public or personal recommendations.

You must understand that before you earn anyone’s referral, your owned and paid media must have had a tremendous impact on the lives of your ideal customers or buyers.

How to Become Findable Online

If you noticed, there is one thing synonymous with the entire categories or types of digital media, what is it? Content!

Content is the heartbeat of Internet marketing, it is what drives action online. The key to becoming findable online after discovering your ideal customers is to consistently deliver relevant content on digital platforms where there are likely to be.

I’m yet to see a business that consistently distributes highly valuable content across digital platforms with the ideal customers in mind without being rewarded with maximum visibility.

Content Marketing

Your ideal customers are exposed to pools of content across multi devices, and channels online. People move around seamlessly through their devices, from phones to tablets and then laptops, they also have the options of Email, Search Engines, Social Media, Websites, Reviews channels, and many more.

This access can limit the reach of your brand’s content if not properly tailored to reach your targeted audience on their devices, so having random content online is just not enough to become findable by your ideal customer. 

How to Leverage Content Marketing

After setting your goals, and discovering your ideal customer as a business, then you can create a comprehensive content strategy that outlines the types of content you will produce, the platforms you will use, the frequency of publishing, and the distribution channels. 

So how do you leverage content created for your business;

1. SEO

SEO involves 40% technicalities and 60% content creation and distribution. It is optimizing and increasing the quality, and quantity of your website and its traffic.

An SEO properly conducted makes your site rank better on search engines, increasing your presence online. Nearly 93% of web traffic occurs on search engines. If you want your website or social media accounts to be found, you need to be indexed on major search engines and ranked highly. Learn more about SEO

2. Website

Having a professional website is likened to having an office. It serves as your brand’s reference point, customers use it to tell if you are reputable, and potential employees use it to learn about you.

A website that is well-optimized for search engines is crucial. By incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) strategies into your website, you can increase your chances of being found by potential customers when they are searching for products or services that you offer. Learn more about Website Development

3. Social Media

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers and build long-lasting relationships. Most of your dream customers spend at least 2 hours a day on social media.

There is a need to leverage content marketing in building an active and engaging social community around your brand, by employing the best social media strategy effective for your business. Learn more about social media marketing

4. Paid Advertising

Your paid search ads are the first impression your targeted audience has on your brand.97% of your potential customers use Google for their internet activities, so putting your well-crafted business offers in front of them is crucial to you being found online.

In conclusion, to become findable online as a brand, you must discover your targeted customers, then leverage the right content marketing strategy on well-optimized digital channels. In the next article, I’ll discuss the best content marketing strategy for brands.

Afriada - How to Become Findable Online

How to Become Findable Online

July 24 , 2023

by: Apollo Paul Jnr

Having discovered your ideal customers or buyers, it is now time to become findable online. Being findable online is important for every business owner, it’s a way to attract new customers, reach existing customers, and scale business faster.

A Lot of businesses get lost in the shadows of algorithms, they are online, but nowhere to be found. To find them you’ll have to use their exact business names spelt accurately without omitting a single character. That’s pathetic!

A look back at the pandemic aftermath on E-commerce, you would agree that people now prefer to shop or make inquiries about a product or service by simply searching for it online and reaching out to businesses that show up in their search query. This is why as a business owner, you’ll want to gain a competitive edge by ensuring that your potential customers can easily find and connect with your brand online.

When it comes to being findable online, I think it’s wise to understand the categories of digital media. 

The Categories of Digital Media

Digital media encompasses various online channels and platforms that enable the distribution and consumption of content and information. Embracing digital media is essential for any business hoping to not only be findable but to succeed in the digital age. 

Digital media are categorized into three (3); Paid, owned, and earned. 

Paid media

Paid media is the content you sponsor to promote your brand and drive exposure. Paid media can be an effective opportunity to expand your brand’s reach, get more clicks, and generate more traffic. Examples of paid media are paid social, paid search, and influencer marketing.

Owned Media

Owned media is content you’re fully in control of, like your website, blog, and social media accounts. It provides value by giving customers what they need in order to make informed decisions. If paid ads bring people to your site, owned media convince them to stay.

Earned Media

Earned media is the media exposure your company gains through word-of-mouth. Think of this as free publicity generated through public or personal recommendations.

You must understand that before you earn anyone’s referral, your owned and paid media must have had a tremendous impact on the lives of your ideal customers or buyers.

How to Become Findable Online

If you noticed, there is one thing synonymous with the entire categories or types of digital media, what is it? Content!

Content is the heartbeat of Internet marketing, it is what drives action online. The key to becoming findable online after discovering your ideal customers is to consistently deliver relevant content on digital platforms where there are likely to be.

I’m yet to see a business that consistently distributes highly valuable content across digital platforms with the ideal customers in mind without being rewarded with maximum visibility.

Content Marketing

Your ideal customers are exposed to pools of content across multi devices, and channels online. People move around seamlessly through their devices, from phones to tablets and then laptops, they also have the options of Email, Search Engines, Social Media, Websites, Reviews channels, and many more.

This access can limit the reach of your brand’s content if not properly tailored to reach your targeted audience on their devices, so having random content online is just not enough to become findable by your ideal customer. 

How to Leverage Content Marketing

After setting your goals, and discovering your ideal customer as a business, then you can create a comprehensive content strategy that outlines the types of content you will produce, the platforms you will use, the frequency of publishing, and the distribution channels. 

So how do you leverage content created for your business;

1. SEO

SEO involves 40% technicalities and 60% content creation and distribution. It is optimizing and increasing the quality, and quantity of your website and its traffic.

An SEO properly conducted makes your site rank better on search engines, increasing your presence online. Nearly 93% of web traffic occurs on search engines. If you want your website or social media accounts to be found, you need to be indexed on major search engines and ranked highly. Learn more about SEO

2. Website

Having a professional website is likened to having an office. It serves as your brand’s reference point, customers use it to tell if you are reputable, and potential employees use it to learn about you.

A website that is well-optimized for search engines is crucial. By incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) strategies into your website, you can increase your chances of being found by potential customers when they are searching for products or services that you offer. Learn more about Website Development

3. Social Media

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers and build long-lasting relationships. Most of your dream customers spend at least 2 hours a day on social media.

There is a need to leverage content marketing in building an active and engaging social community around your brand, by employing the best social media strategy effective for your business. Learn more about social media marketing

4. Paid Advertising

Your paid search ads are the first impression your targeted audience has on your brand.97% of your potential customers use Google for their internet activities, so putting your well-crafted business offers in front of them is crucial to you being found online.

In conclusion, to become findable online as a brand, you must discover your targeted customers, then leverage the right content marketing strategy on well-optimized digital channels. In the next article, I’ll discuss the best content marketing strategy for brands.

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